100 Yard Long Range Load Development and Scope Tracking Target (Shipped Free)

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100 Yard Long Range Load Development and Scope Tracking Target (Shipped Free)

from $25.00

This fine tuned target is the new and improved version of our original 100 Yard Load Development and Scope Tracking Target! Don’t worry! It is still printed on the same highly durable water resistant and tear resistant paper!

Size: 30”x 23.5”

New improvements include:

-A larger and centered box test

-Tracking lines that are labeled in IPHY/MOA/MIL

The current instructions listed under the TARGET INSTRUCTIONS link are all still applicable, aside from the box test portion. An updated and detailed breakdown for preforming the box test with this new target will be available under the TARGET INSTRUCTIONS page soon.


The purpose of this target is to allow the shooter to develop and test their hand loads. The target provides for testing and comparing powders, testing for optimal bullet seating depth, and recording velocities. The target also allows for testing and documenting velocity extremes of hot and cold conditions.

By testing powders and optimal seating depth, the shooter determines the most accurate load for his rifle. He/she can then record velocities for use in ballistic apps.

The all new B2B target also includes provisions for scope tracking and box tests to ensure proper functionality of the rifle scope. The test allows for moa, shooter moa, and mil turret adjustments.

Of all the features of the new B2B Target, the single most impressive feature may be that all this testing is achieved on a single target that is tear and water resistant . No longer will the shooter have to sort through countless card board scraps with hard to read notes and faded adhesive back target spots, searching for data. All of your data is recorded on a single target for easy storage and access.

We at B2B Precision are proud to be able to offer you this most useful and impressive target to aid you in your quest of Long Range Precision.

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